I’m nowhere near to perfect. so I wish people would stop expecting me to be.
The most important thing is life is to be happy. And nothing else matters.
-Audrey Hepburn
We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.
It hurts, I can't deny it. I miss you, I miss you so much but there's nothing I can do about it. You're gone. Moved on. Just like that, one day you're my everything and the next you've walked right out of my door leaving nothing but memories behind. Tell me, how can you fall out of love so fast? Baby, you said forever.
When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them.
Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.
And I wonder if you ever stop and think, “man, I miss her.”
She thinks about you all the time, she can’t stop wondering if you like her, if you think about her. it seems crazy to be like this over someone you just met, but it’s how she feels and how she operates. She just wishes that you would show the least bit of emotion.
When you walk away from something and there's no gravitational pull, then you know you're doing the right thing.
How long's it gonna take for you to see she's no me.
Things will get worse before they get better. but when they do, remeber who put you down, and who helped you up.
There are two kinds of people in your life. The ones that are going to pick you up, and the ones that are going to push you down. But in the end, you’ll thank them both.
I’m mistaken for a flirt when I’m friendly. I’m mistaken for a bitch when I’m blunt. I’m mistaken for sad when I’m alone. I’m mistaken for shy when I’m quiet. Quit assuming and get to know me.
Don’t try to hate me. When you don’t even know me
Don’ try to talk about me. When I’ve never talked to you
And don’t just look at me and assume;
Because most problems arn’t just skin deep
the people who know the least about you, always have the most to say.
I’ve tried to forget you. I’ve tried to move on. But every time I get anywhere close, memories come flooding back to me. People ask me what ever happened between us. I don’t know how to answer them. Truth is, I don’t even know what happened between us. One second we were great, the next you were gone.
We talk as if nothing ever happened between us. I smile at you like you never meant anything more than a friend, but look in my eyes, I hope you know I'm dying inside.
go after what you want, and if it doesn't want you back then so be it. it didn't deserve you anyway - nicole richie
i've learned that no matter how much you care, some people just don't deserve you. i've learned that it takes years to build up trust and only takes suspicion, not proof to destroy it. i've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others; they are probably more screwed up than you think. i've learned that the people you care about in life are taken away from you too soon, and all the less important ones just never go away
you almost convinced me you'd stick around, but everyone knows almost doesn't count.
A month went by, a month that I can't describe. A month I've been trying to push aside and forget in time. And now we are inches away, but we're miles apart.
If a guy doesn't like you it's called fuck you. and there's so many people out there in the world that are gonna like you for you.
- the situaation
Be with who makes you happy, even if it means you're always running back
Him: Does he make you laugh like I did?
Her: He doesn't make me cry like you did.
The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever.
I don't really know how to describe it. It's just kinda like... when I hugged you the other day, my heart didn't skip a beat like it used to.
She keeps her secrets and tries to hide her past
Because everything has left her way too fast.
All that i know, is i don't know how to be something you miss.
you think you know who your true friends are? wait till high school and see who is there for you when your ex-boyfriend spreads rumors about you. think you’ll never do drugs? wait till it’s right in front of you and all your “friends” are doing it. think you’re tough? wait till you say the wrong thing to the wrong person. see who backs down first. think you’re smart? wait till you have an english paper, science project, history test, and a 10-minute oral due tomorrow cause you were absent for one day. think you’re cool? wait till you’re the only one who doesn’t make the sports team. you think you’re popular? wait till you make one mistake and everyone loses respect for you. think you’ll never fall in love? wait till a guy looks deeply into your eyes and says he loves you. think you’ll never get your heart broken? wait till that same guy is holding another girl behind your back. think you won’t have sex? wait till the guy you think you love says it will make you closer. think “nothing’s going to happen to you”? yeah, wait till you’re sitting in a jail cell, wondering how you got caught. think you’re always going to be an individual? well wait till one morning when you look in the mirror and you look like everyone else.
So lets lie to each other one last time - you'll say you're really going to miss us, & I'm going to assure you I won't.
of course she`s gonna say she`s happy for you, and flash that famous smile. but look deep into those brown eyes. baby, you broke her.
(318): I understand how scissors can beat paper, and I get how rock can beat scissors, but there is no fucking way paper can beat rock. Is paper supposed to magically wrap around the rock and leave it immobile? Why can't paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors why can't paper so this to people!? Why aren't sheets of college ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they take notes in class? I'll tell you why, because paper can't beat anybody! A rock would tear that sh!t up in like 2 seconds. When I play rock paper scissors I always choose rock. The when somebody claims to have beaten me with paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, "oh shit I'm sorry, I thought paper would protect you, you asshole!"
(1-318): I love you
Ryan: You've been amazing.
Marissa: I know what it's like to have someone believe in you when no one else does.
"Just one thing,” she says, raising her head and looking him straight in the eye. “I want you to remember me. If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets."
It's not that I don't care. I just try not to. I do my best to think about something else, just so that maybe I can form a smile. And let's just keep it between you and me that I miss him more than I ever thought I could miss someone.
"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left."
-Marilyn Monroe
The girl breaks my heart. She's not mad. She wants to be, but she just can't. And when she talks about him, her eyes still sparkle.
And when I think fuck the world and the people in it, I just sit by myself with my earphones in listening to Taylor Swift. Because music is the one thing that doesn’t judge me. No one can hear my music, and the only thing that seems to understand me is the lyrics. It’s comforting to know that someone out there is going what I’m going through. And so I sit there, away from the world of judging people and heart-breaking boys
lucas: i don't hate you. i remember the first time i ever saw you; all skinny arms and tangled messy hair. it was hard letting you go, peyton. it was hard losing you, and it was hard seeing you again. it's still really hard.
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Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude and a lady with class. |
Serena: Why didn't you send it? I would've...
Blair: You would have what?! You knew, Serena. And you didn't even call.
I don't need some elaborate apology. I don't need you to play our song in front of all our friends, or just me. I don't need you to wait outside my class with a dozen roses. I just need you to tell me simply that you're fucking sorry, and that you need me as much as I need you.
I never really wanted to leave but you didn`t give me a reason to stay
The past year has been filled with tears, heartbreak and constant worrying. Just as i threw the towel in and walked away from love. Thats when you came in, you showed me that not all boys leave & that its okay to give your all to someone. For the first time in a while i feel like im on top of the world so please, i beg you..dont break my heart.
yeah, but that's just it. I mean, the butterflies never seem to accompany the right people. you know? the nice guys who are right for you, they never make your stomach queasy.
Do you honestly think anyone else is on my mind when I'm listening to that song?
Eventually, everything ends. Age doesn't guarantee maturity. Love doesn't mean you'll always be together. Things don't always happen like you imagined. Being the bigger person, takes a big effort.
It's time to grow up. You can have enemies but don't spend your time on them. Spend it on your friends. Shit happens, get over it. Just don't give a fuck and your life will be a lot easier.
Please. Don't lie to me, that's all I ask of you, I’d rather you hurt me with the truth.
It hasn’t been a long time, and we haven’t been talking late into the night or even hung out enough times that I can’t count on my fingers, but we’ve talked enough for me to know I want to pursue this. You make me smile, and for now that’s enough.
When she talks to you, listen to her voice. She may be talking about the weather, but she's screaming she loves you.
You say you need me, but you don't need me. I'm your favourite waste of time;
I am the one who drives you home; I am your safety. But you don't need me.
I know you're upset about him. It's okay, be upset, cry, scream into your pillow till you think you've lost your voice. But looking back on this stupid boy who broke your heart in the future, you'll laugh at him, Laugh because he thought he was doing the right thing at the right time. Turns out he wasn't because he lost something amazing. And you'll thank him. Thank him for making you stronger, and to say to hell with him, I'm great. But most importantly you'll appreciate what he did, because without him leaving you wouldn't have found the amazing boy you're with now.
I guess what makes me different from most girls is that I'm not the type to squeal all over you and I don't ask for your attention at all times. I know what I want and I know how to get it but I don't hurt people along the way. I can be a bitch but I don't like to be and I hate when people call me one. I guess you can say I'm complicated, but I'd rather be difficult than easy any day. I can be hard to figure out at times but if you know me, I'm not that much of a confusing person. So why don't you actually open up your heart instead of just your eyes and take a look at me, then tell me that you love me.
i love summer because for 3 months, i don't care.
Just promise me you'll never change - drake
It’s not about if I love you, because you know I love you more than anything. It’s about us not being the best for each other.- the hills
truth only means something when it's hard to admit.
-the last songBecause you kink your eyebrow when your trying to be cute. And you quote Keimoo, even though I've never actually seen you read. And because, you miss your parents, but you'll never ever admit that. And because I've given exactly two of these embarrassing speeches in my entire life and they've both been with you. I mean, that's gotta mean something right? And because we're both gonna get pneumonia, but if you need to hear why I love you, I can go on all night. - One Tree Hill
I don’t regret my past; I just regret the time I’ve wasted with the wrong people.
I asked if that applied to when he had his tongue in her mouth.But everyone can agree on one thing - tans fade, highlights go dark, and we all get sick of getting sand in our shoes, but summer is the beginning of a new season, so we find ourselves looking to the future.
-gossip girlSay my name and hers in the same breath; I dare you to say we both taste the same.A month went by, a month that I can't describe. A month I've been trying to push aside and forget in time. And now we are inches away, but we're miles apart.Eventually, everything ends. Age doesn't guarantee maturity. Love doesn't mean you'll always be together. Things don't always happen like you imagined. Being the bigger person, takes a big effort.I don't really know how to describe it. It's just kinda like... when I hugged you the other day, my heart didn't skip a beat like it used to.So lets lie to each other one last time - you'll say you're really going to miss us, & I'm going to assure you I won't.
"Just one thing,” she says, raising her head and looking him straight in the eye. “I want you to remember me. If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets."
I am the one who drives you home; I am your safety. But you don't need me.For once in my life, I want a boy to chase after me. I want him to do something completely crazy just to get me to notice him. Is that so hard to ask for?